Most Puppy Owners Make THE SAME Training Mistakes!

Using treats in your puppy training can be a powerful tool. But there are some common mistakes that puppy owners make that can really hold back their training!

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Here’s The List Of The BIGGEST Mistakes People Make With Their Puppy Training!:

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00:00 Most Puppy Owners Make THE SAME Treat Training Mistakes
00:20 Teaching Your Puppy To Take Treats Nicely
02:35 Remove Distractions To Focus Attention On You
03:59 Teaching Your Puppy To Follow A Food Lure
05:35 Teaching Your Puppy How To Sit
10:17 Teaching Your Puppy Their Name

Thanks for watching,
Happy Training! ~Ken
#puppytreattraining #puppytrainingmistakes

Dogs With Obsessive Compulsive Disorders

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