Dog Chasing Squirrels? You Need to Know This! 🐿️✨(Pt 2) #dogtrainer #dogtraining #stopchasing #dogs

Welcome back to our blog series on dog training! In this second installment, we want to address a common problem that many dog owners face: their furry friends chasing after squirrels. It’s a situation that can be quite frustrating and challenging to deal with, but fear not! We are here to provide you with some valuable insights and solutions to help you put an end to this behavior. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s dive into the wonderful world of training our dogs to stop chasing squirrels!

Dog Chasing Squirrels? You Need to Know This! 🐿️✨(Pt 2) #dogtrainer #dogtraining #stopchasing #dogs


When it comes to owning a dog, one of the most common challenges that dog owners face is dealing with their furry friends’ natural instinct to chase squirrels, cats, birds, and small animals. This behavior can be frustrating for both the dog and the owner, but fear not! In this article, we will be reviewing the second part of Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution video, where he explores effective techniques to stop your dog from chasing after these tempting distractions. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s dive into the world of dog training!

Part 3 of the Training Series is Coming Up

Before we get into the details of the video, we are excited to announce that Part 3 of the training series is just around the corner. Make sure to stay tuned for more valuable insights and tips on dog training from Zak George himself. Now, let’s get back to our review of Part 2.

How to Train Your Dog Not to Chase After Squirrels, Cats, Birds, and Small Animals

In this episode, Zak George delves deeper into the training techniques that can help you overcome your dog’s natural instinct to chase. He takes a positive, force-free, and science-based approach, ensuring that the training methods are gentle and effective. No shock collars or prongs are needed for successful training.

Using the Predatory Sequence to Your Advantage in Dog Training

One of the key takeaways from the video is the concept of using the predatory sequence to your advantage in your dog’s training. Zak George explains that the predatory sequence is the natural sequence of behaviors that dogs exhibit when they are chasing prey. By understanding and being aware of this sequence, you can redirect your dog’s attention and teach them alternative behaviors.

Jumping, Barking, and Stopping the Chase

Zak George covers various topics related to dog chasing, including jumping, barking, and stopping the chase altogether. He provides practical advice on how to handle each of these situations and guides you through the training process step by step. With his clear instructions and demonstrations, you’ll learn how to communicate with your dog effectively and reinforce positive behaviors.

Join Us in the Dog Training Revolution with Zak George

If you’ve been struggling with your dog’s chasing behaviors, it’s time to join the dog training revolution with Zak George. His positive, force-free, and science-based training methods are suitable for beginners and can be implemented quickly and easily. By following his techniques, you’ll not only help your dog overcome their chasing habits but also build a stronger bond with them based on trust and understanding.


In conclusion, Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution continues to impress with its valuable insights and effective training techniques. In Part 2 of the series, Zak George explores how to stop your dog from chasing squirrels, cats, birds, and small animals. By harnessing the power of the predatory sequence and employing positive reinforcement, you’ll be able to redirect your dog’s attention and teach them alternative behaviors. Remember that the training approach is positive, force-free, and science-based, with no need for harsh methods. So, get ready to revolutionize your dog training and enjoy a happier, more obedient furry companion.


  1. Can I use Zak George’s training methods for any breed of dog?
  2. Is it possible to train an older dog to stop chasing?
  3. Are there any additional resources available for more in-depth training techniques?
  4. How long does it typically take to see results when using Zak George’s methods?
  5. Can these training techniques be used to stop other problem behaviors as well?