GREAT Reason To Use A Puppy “House-Line”

Are you considering using a puppy “house-line” for your furry friend but not sure if it’s worth it? Let us tell you, it is! This simple tool can be a game-changer when it comes to training your pup and keeping them safe. In this blog post, we will delve into the great reasons why using a puppy “house-line” is a must-have for any dog owner. So, get ready to learn all about this useful training aid and how it can benefit you and your furry companion.


Bringing a new puppy home is a joyous time for any pet owner; however, it comes with a new set of responsibilities. Puppies, just like human babies, require constant attention, care, and supervision. Proper training is an integral part of raising a happy and healthy puppy. One common training tip that many pet owners swear by is the use of a “house-line,” also known as a training lead or dragline. In this article, we’ll discuss why using a house-line can be a great training technique for your furry friend.

What is a House-Line?

A house-line is a 6-8 foot leash that is attached to a puppy’s collar and left on them while inside the house. It is designed to be a teaching tool for young pups that need to be trained in an open training environment. The difference between a house-line and a traditional leash is that the owner does not hold onto the line while the puppy plays or rests. The leash is simply there for safety and to assist in training.

Personalized Help Available for Training Hyper Puppies

At McCann Dogs, we understand that every puppy is unique and has their own specific needs during training. That’s why we offer personalized support for pet owners struggling to train their unruly or hyperactive puppies. Our expert trainers will guide you through the entire training process, including how to use a house-line effectively.

Life Skills Program for Dogs Over 5 Months Old

In addition to training puppies, we also offer a life skills program for dogs over 5 months old. This program helps pet owners address specific behavior issues that their dogs may be experiencing, such as anxiety or aggression. Again, our expert trainers will work with you and your dog to create an individualized plan that works for your specific needs.

The Benefits of Using a House-Line

Using a house-line has many benefits, including:

  • Safety: A house-line provides an extra layer of safety for your puppy while they explore and play, preventing them from chewing on dangerous or valuable objects.

  • Potty Training: A house-line is an excellent tool for potty training, as it allows you to quickly pick up your puppy and bring them outside when they need to go.

  • Boundaries: A house-line helps establish boundaries for your puppy, allowing them to learn what areas of the house are off-limits.

McCann Dogs Trainer Support Provided

At McCann Dogs, we provide extensive support for pet owners using house-lines as a training tool. Our expert trainers will guide you through every step of the process, from selecting the right size leash to properly attaching it to your puppy’s collar.

Store to Purchase Dog Products

We also have a store where you can purchase high-quality dog products, including leashes, collars, and training tools. Our products are specifically designed for puppies and dogs, ensuring that you’re getting the best possible quality for your furry friend.

Subscription to YouTube Channel Encouraged

Our YouTube channel is an excellent resource for pet owners looking to learn more about training their dogs. We post weekly videos covering a wide range of topics, including using house-lines for training.

Music Available to Help Dogs Settle

Studies have shown that music can have a calming effect on dogs, especially during training or times of stress. That’s why we’ve created a playlist specifically designed to help dogs settle down and relax.

HeartDog Supporter Membership Offered

For pet owners looking to take their dog’s training to the next level, we offer a HeartDog Supporter Membership. This membership includes access to our exclusive Facebook group, personalized support from our expert trainers, and discounts on our training products.


Using a house-line can be a great training technique for young puppies, providing safety, boundaries, and assistance with potty training. At McCann Dogs, we offer expert support and high-quality training products to ensure you and your furry friend get the best possible training experience.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. How long should I leave the house-line on my puppy?
    We recommend leaving the house-line on your puppy at all times while they’re inside the house until they’ve learned to behave correctly without it. This could take several weeks or months, depending on your puppy’s individual needs.

  2. Can I leave my puppy unattended with a house-line on?
    No, you should never leave your puppy unattended with a house-line on, as they could become tangled or hurt themselves. The house-line is simply there to provide assistance and safety when you’re present.

  3. Are there any risks associated with using a house-line?
    As long as you use the house-line properly and supervise your puppy while they’re wearing it, there should be no risks associated with using it as a training tool.

  4. What size house-line should I use for my puppy?
    We recommend using a 6-8 foot house-line for most puppies. However, if you have a larger or smaller breed of dog, you may need to adjust the length accordingly.

  5. Can using a house-line harm my puppy’s growth or development?
    No, using a house-line should not harm your puppy’s growth or development. As long as you’re using the leash properly and not pulling or tugging on it, it should not cause any harm to your furry friend.