Dogs do not instinctively know what a dog leash is used for. Learn how to be patient with a dog learning the leash in this free video on dog training.
Expert: Carol Underwood
Bio: Carol provides comprehensive training programs customized to the needs of the dog-owner team. Her graduates include ‘Canine Good Citizens’, ‘Therapy Dogs’, and ‘Assistance Dogs’.
Filmmaker: MAKE | MEDIA
How to Treat Fire Ant Stings on Dogs
Fire ants are prevalent in the Southeastern United States. These insects are extremely aggressive and they can deliver painful stings with little provocation. Pets, especially dogs, are most vulnerable to their stings.
The Interesting Relationship Between Dogs and CatsWe have often heard the saying “They fight like cats and dogs.” Is this really a true picture of the whole truth? I believe not. The reality is that they can live together in harmony.
My Dog Has Diarrhea – What Should I Do?When your dog has diarrhea, what should you do? When should you go to the vet? This article explains common causes for diarrhea, steps you can take at home to treat it, and when it is time to visit the vet.
Know the Different Types of Dog Training CollarsA dog training collar is a type of dog collar that’s put around the dog’s neck for obedience and behavior formation purposes. There are basically two types of dog collar, the basic collar and the training collar. Basic collars are usually intended to contain the dog’s identification tags, medical records and other basic information, while training collars are used for controlling the dog to make it learn certain behaviors quickly. Please read on. This article wants you to know more about the most popular types of dog training collars in the market today.
How Dog Electric Fences Work And What Are The BenefitsIf you live in a small village, it is easier to locate your dog and have it back safe and sound in less than a few hours. But many families live in the countryside or in a location with lush grounds and wooded backyards. Somehow, putting up a fence that surrounds the entire property is more costly than training your pet to know where it should roam and how much space is allotted.