Dealing with Personal Space Aggression – Tips From Al The Dog Trainer

Does your dog get upset and aggressive when their personal space is violated? Watch this video to learn what you can do to prevent this behavior.

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Which Dog Breed Is Most Likely to Bite?

Often, dog attacks are actually the fault of the dog’s owner who has not properly secured their dog, such as being confined to their own property by a proper fence, or not being tethered. If you or a loved one have been the victim of a dog bite, you may have a dog bite lawsuit. First off, after suffering dog attack injuries, seek proper medical care.

Does My Dog Need A Coat?

When faced with a purchasing decision about the type of coat to by for your dog the endeavor can be daunting. Jacket or Sweater? Vest or full body? Rain jacket or wind breaker? Depending on the area you live in, the hair type, age, physical condition and activity level are some of the components to consider.

Advantages of Having a Dog Tent

Comfort A dog tent intended for camping will be able to provide your pet with a lot of comfort. Like you, your pet also needs comfort. Come to think of it, we all need comfort when we are about to sleep.

Why Families Decide On Cremation For Their Pets

Loving a pet for their lifetime always creates sadness at the end. We know when we pick them up as a puppy that their lifespan is so much shorter than ours. So some of us decide on cremation for our pets once they pass on as a respectful ritual to show them how much we love them and are grateful for their loyalty and love. This is symbolized by the pet cremation urn we can then cherish and have as a constant memory of their presence in our lives.

What Should You Do With Your Pets Ashes After Cremation?

Once the cremation of your pet has taken place you now need to think about what you would like to do with your pet’s ashes. It is something you need not rush into as your emotions are still so very raw. There are several options and you just need to choose the right one for you.

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