Drop It or Leave It? Most Important Dog Training Commands, Dog Training Tips

Is there a difference between a “drop it” command and a “leave it” command? I think there is. Let’s hear your opinion. I also discuss what I feel is the 3 (or 4) most important things to teach your dog.


And as usual:
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Want to learn more about dog training or having a healthier dog from the world’s top professionals? Check out these links too:
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Dog Training for Your New Addition

Why does your dog need training? Read about the benefits for you and your dog. Briefly read about the most popular and humane dog training techniques.

Commercial Dog Foods Are Bad For Your Pet

It may come to surprise you that commercial dog foods are terrible for your pet, although you might have suspected it right? I mean, people eat stuff from a can and although it is edible for you it usually is not healthy, so why should dogs be given this kind of food as well? Commercial dog foods take advantage of the fact that most people don’t know what to feed their dogs and because of the fact that most people “assume” good practices are being used in the actual making of the food.

What To Consider When Choosing Your Dog’s Bowl

If your dog had a choice it would eat straight out of the can or the bag their food comes in however in our more civilised world owners tend to opt for a bowl. However, which one should you buy? Purchasing a new dog bowl for your pooch can be a bit of a nightmare as there are now so many different styles, shapes and materials to choose from.

Tips for Preventing Relieving Accidents When in Public

Service and Assistance dogs are allowed by law, into public places of business and transportation. They are allowed because they are quiet, clean and well behaved. Sometimes service dogs have accidents in public areas. This article offers excellent tips and strategies for service dog handlers, to avoid embarrassing accidents in public.

Predatory Drift – What Is It? How to Avoid It!

Predatory drift originates from a dog’s ancient instinct to hunt and kill prey. It is a hard-wired behavior that can be triggered in any dog. It is prey drive—-hunting and killing for food— in pure form and should not be confused with aggression,

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