How to teach your dog to COME on leash and off leash harness/slipleash/collar only

Please use this method with harness, slip leash, or flat buckle collar only. This is not the appropriate method for other training tools such as a gentle leader/prong/etc where you should start with light pressure. This is a great step by step on how to teach your dog to come to you. It is in NO way the only way to do it. Hopefully everyone can take something useful from the video.

PET PLUSH FLUFFY BEDS – Give Your Pet a Treat

For some of us pet lovers who have got a few pets in the home, finding the right bed or cushion for your pets may be difficult as there are quite a few options out there and one isn’t really sure if they are suitable, durable, long lasting and can be used safely by the pet. In some cases, there are scratch marks that have been left on my sofa and made by my cat most times when it is startled, bored or just nervous. This does happen when we have a few guests or…

Is My Dog Safe From COVID-19?

You are taking all the precautions to protect yourself from COVID|-19 or or coronavirus, but you suddenly considered your dog! Now you want to know if your dog is at risk of getting COVID-19? Find tips to keep you and your dog healthy

Probiotics Benefits for Family Dogs

Probiotics have many natural benefits to boost a dog’s digestive health. As they promote healthy digestive function they also may improve other conditions – read the details here! Find out how probiotics can benefit your whole family from dogs to human infants and adults!

Why Your Dog Understands You More Than You Think

Have you ever wondered if your your dog understands you more than you think? There are a number of clues your dog reveals to you that will make this apparent.

How Dog Ownership Has Changed Over 80 Years

In the 1960’s there were stray dogs roaming around and a few were considered owned by people. There were minimal regulations, and veterinary care was rare and infrequent. So much has changed since than. Major shifts have occurred over the last few decades making dogs truly become part of our families.

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