Reacting to the Biggest Controversies of my Last Series

Reacting to your most critical comments from my series with Moira. Thank you Nom Nom for sponsoring this video! Go​ to get 50% off of a 2 week trial!

To learn more about “opposition reflex” check out this article by Eileen Anderson and the accompanying sources:

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3 More Questions Dog Owner Ask

As a professional dog trainer and behavior specialist I receive a bunch of questions from dog owners from all over the world. Here are a few more of the most common questions I have received.

3 Questions Dog Owners Ask

As a professional dog trainer and behavior specialist I receive a bunch of questions from dog owners from all over the world. Here are a few of the most common questions I have received.

Disability Guide 101: How To Get Your Own Service Dog

Service dogs or service animals are in demand today more than ever. These animals help their human handlers to navigate in the real world, and depending on the handler’s disability, these animals are trained to ensure that their human will be able to live a normal life as much as possible.

Golden Retriever Puppy Training – Why, What And How?

Training your Golden Retriever puppy to your own standards is an investment which will bear fruit as your furry friend grows up. Don’t just follow what others say but find your own reasons and goals. After all, your Golden puppy is your dream come true and it is up to you to teach him whatever you need him to know.

5 Things That Will Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy

1. Water. You probably already know that dogs need fresh, clean water at all times. All of us do. But if you want to remove as many toxins as possible from your dog’s water and do everything possible to keep him healthy, think about using a water filter.

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