Andre Millan gets tips from a trainer at the Dog Psychology Center on how to stop a puppy from jumping.
Interesting Facts About The Belgian Shepherd
Are you thinking about the possibility of bringing a Belgian Shepherd into your home? If this is the kind of dog you may soon adopt or buy from a local breeder, you may want to learn a bit more about the breed ahead of time. After all, the best way to decide whether or not this is the right pet for you is to know more about how these animals tend to behave.
The Dangers of Wolf Hybrid DogsCrossing a dog with a wolf is a dangerous practice. Breeders are making tons of money while pet owners are suffering not knowing that messing with mother nature has its consequences.
Top 10 Kid-Friendly Dog BreedsThere are lots of stories of parents bringing home a dog which is not habituated to be with kids. The story usually ends with the dog given away. This picture could have been changed with a small research into dog breeds those are good with children.
What You Don’t Know About Panoramis (Trifexis)?Many products are available in the market for treating different parasites. Among them, Panoramis is an effective product that treats fleas, intestinal worms and prevents heart worms. Let’s explore what you don’t know about this flavored tab.
Things To Know About The German PinscherTrying to find the perfect dog? With so many breeds in existence, you may not know which breed is the right choice for you. If you are interested in having a medium-sized dog in your household, the German Pinscher is one breed to consider. There are so many great traits about this kind of dog.