Training Your Dog When Your Home Is FULL Of Distractions!

Dog training in an empty room without any distractions is an ideal starting point. But most people don’t have an opportunity in their home to have that kind of freedom from distractions. Maybe you have another dog in your home or a cat that you need to train your dog around. Kids can make the training process challenging because they’re just so squeaky and giggly around your dog. In this live stream, we’ll talk about the best way to manage your dog so that they can get the best information possible. Your other pets will thank you.. Join professional dog trainers, Ken Steepe and Kayl McCann at 7:30 PM, EST on Thursday and hop aboard the training train in another episode of the Train Station. Do you have a dog training question? Let us know about it in the chat!
We Now Have A Puppy Essentials Training Program Online!

Train With Us To Make Your Puppy Training More Enjoyable And To Give Your Puppy The Best Start Possible: https://www.McCannDogs.Link/PuppyEssentials

Are you looking for a more personalized training plan for your dog? We now have a Life Skills program for dogs over 5 months old. The Life Skills program is fully supported by a McCann Dogs trainer for YOU. Check out:

Don’t Forget To Subscribe:

You should check out the video that we JUST Published:

We Currently Have Some Of Our Signature Training Equipment Available Online! (Limited Quantities) To Get Yours, Visit:

Our “HeartDog” Merch Is BACK! Visit http://www.McCannDogs.Link/merch

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Thanks for watching,
Happy Training! ~Ken

6 Tips To Minimize Dog Aggression

Dog aggression is a serious and unfortunately very common problem. While extreme cases should be handled by a professional, dog owners can try these six tips to begin to address their dog’s aggression towards other dogs.

The Most Fearful Dog I Have Ever Seen

I have been a professional dog trainer for going on three decades and I must say this had to be the most fearful dog I had ever seen. I had a client call asking for help with her 3 year old German Shepherd that was so fearful if a stranger came in the same room it would urinate or defecate or both out of fear. In this article I want to tell you how we were able to get this dog to change it’s attitude.

Low Sodium Homemade Food Recipes for Dogs

Older dogs suffering from heart, liver or kidney diseases should not consume foods with high sodium content. If your dog is old and suffering from any of the above mentioned health disorders, you will find this article extremely useful. It includes two easy low sodium homemade food recipes for dogs.

Dog Training Can Start When Your Puppy Is Young

Almost on a daily basis I am asked when can a puppy start being trained. Well that actually depends on what type of training you’re talking about, if you are talking about formal obedience training or if you’re talking about potty training.

6 Frequently Asked Questions About Dog Training

A lot of people ask me what is the best way to train their dog. In this article I’m going to address that question and give you some answers to those commonly asked questions.

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