Your Complete Puppy Training Schedule By Age (3-6 Months)

In this second installment of Your Complete Puppy Training Schedule By Age, we guide you through this next essential stage in your puppy’s development, 14 to 24 Weeks! Knowing where you should be with your training can be helpful. But understand where you are with your own puppy are in terms of progressions is essential, by having a guide for this stage in their growth allows you to schedule your puppy training in a suitable way to measure your progress!

Is your puppy younger than 3 months? This video is for you:

We Now Have A Puppy Essentials Training Program Online!
Train With Us To Make Your Puppy Training More Enjoyable And To Give Your Puppy The Best Start Possible: https://www.McCannDogs.Link/PuppyEssentials

Are you looking for a more personalized training plan for your dog? We now have a Life Skills program for dogs over 5 months old. The Life Skills program is fully supported by a McCann Dogs trainer for YOU. Check out:

Don’t Forget To Subscribe:

You should check out the video that we JUST Published:

We Currently Have Some Of Our Signature Training Equipment Available Online! (Limited Quantities) To Get Yours, Visit:

Our “HeartDog” Merch Is BACK! Visit http://www.McCannDogs.Link/merch

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00:00 Your Complete Puppy Training Schedule By Age Part 2
00:25 14 to 15 Weeks Old
02:06 16 to 18 Weeks Old
03:47 19 to 21 Weeks Old
06:35 22 to 24 Weeks Old

Thanks for watching,
Happy Training! ~Ken

Can You Trust A Dog That Has Bitten?

Each and every year millions of people are bitten by a dog. In fact according to one source over 2 million children are bitten annually. There are those dog owners that feel they can never trust a dog after it has bitten. There is the other camp that feels the dog may be able to be rehabilitated.

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How To Compare Automatic Dog Feeders

A pet can be your best companion in all your moments of solitude. However, if you have a tight schedule or travel often on work and there is no one to take responsibility of your pet in your absence, you might have to reconsider your decision of keeping a pet. Investing in an automatic pet feeder makes sense in such circumstances. It ensures that your dog eats his fill at the right time when you are not around.

What To Know For Using Games To Train Dogs

Games are a good way to train dogs. Many training schools that offer dogs for sale also use games to teach dogs in a better way.

Positive Reinforcement – Key To Efficient Training Of Dogs

People are gradually shifting towards using positive reinforcement to train their dogs, instead of using punishment. Even schools giving guard dog training Sydney, prefer this method to train dogs.

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