The Look At Me command is helpful for all types of circumstances. Here’s a video showing a 13 week-old puppy learning it while out walking.
For more info on the look at me command, see our blog post:
For more tips, subscribe to The Pooch Coach channel or visit our website
The Pooch Coach is the top rated private dog trainer in the San Francisco Bay Area. She has been providing dog training and dog behavior services for over 14 years.
Why Do Some People Buy Dog Tents?
Dogs are great house pets, but they also enjoy the outdoors. Then can be interested in just about anything, eager to learn new things and feel comfortable using the wilderness as their toilet. What’s more, they won’t bore anyone with their singing and guitar playing.
Top Tips And Strategies For A Good Dog Barking ControlHonestly, it is really not strange to see dogs bark more than they ought to. There are so many reasons for this needless barking by dogs. Their owners have to be careful while confronting this sort of circumstance or else, they may experience lots of issues they actually do not need.
Tips for Professional Dog Training to Be Successful For You and Your DogConsidering professional dog training for your dog or puppy? You may not expect that it involves a lot of support from you for your dog to be successful. Read on to see why the owner is so important for a perfectly trained dog.
Rescuing Sprite – A Moving Story That Any Pet Lover Will Identify WithSprite lived out her name to the fullest – she was the spitting image of a small creature that possesses magical (or nearly magical) powers. Not that Sprite was elfish small, but her scruffy brown coat seemed to hold sprite powers. Those powers turned Sprite into a gentle animal rescue hero one cold night – but left Sprite herself in need of rescuing!
How To Stop Your Dog From Jumping the Fence?With a good fence in place, you can keep your dog from running away from your yard. There are different types of dog fences out there, such as wireless dog fences or electric dog fences. In this article, we are going to talk about a few tips that can help you keep your pet dog inside your fence.