Ten Things Dog Trainers Hate – Insider Info

Each dog trainer has their own pet peeves – we’ve collected these and share the most common with you. Laser pointers, long leads, extendable leads, double puppy syndrome, no treat bags and unrealistic expectations are some of the things covered in this video from Dogs And.

Also – help us get a new office plant! When we hit our milestone of 100 subscribers we’re spoiling ourselves with a new plant aaaaand the 100th subscriber gets to name the new plant. The excite is strong…!

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Free dog training tips: http://www.mckaynine.co.za/dogsolutio…

Music: Summer – Bensound
Source: https://www.bensound.com
Support by RFM – NCM: https://youtu.be/KxwUy2S2n-Q

things dog trainers hate
laser pointers
extendable leads
treat delivery
dog training expectations
double puppy syndrome

Can Dogs Have A Heart Attack?

It is possible for dogs to faint or collapse due to an abnormality in relation to their heart function. This article discusses the possibilities.

Basic Supplies For Teaching Dog Agility

Dog agility is the fastest growing dog sport in North America. There are already several national organizations which offer competitions for all dogs and the AKC has recently welcomed mixed breed dogs to their agility trials, too. With such a rapidly growing sport there are many people who are getting involved in agility for the first time with their dogs. Here’s some information about what you need to get started if you’re interested in teaching dog agility.

Heartworms and Your Dog

Heartworms are a parasite found in dogs which are spread by mosquitoes. It is a very serious disease and, left untreated, can kill your dog.

Dogs and Arthritis

Arthritis, or osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint disease, is a condition in which the smooth cartilage that covers and protects the ends of your dog’s bones begins to wear away. When this happens it leaves the bones exposed and, on the ends of joints where the bones meet, they begin to rub against each other. This makes the condition very painful and causes inflammation. The condition often worsens as your dog gets older.

How To Get Rid Of Dog Urine Stains

We would all love for our dogs to be pristine and clean all the time. Wouldn’t that be nice? For most of us though, that’s not a practical possibility. Our dogs get a bath when we can squeeze it in. And, as soon as you give your dog a bath he may run outside and decide to roll around in a smelly pile of trash in the yard. And, truthfully, dogs are not always very neat when they potty. What if you have a male who keeps peeing on himself? Talk about a bad aim!

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