Still struggling with your jumping up training? It’s time for Instructor Carol’s SECRET SAUCE..

Looking for some different tips to stop a dog from jumping on people? Try This:

It’s tough to stop jumping up if you aren’t using the right training tools. This video will help:

We Now Have A Puppy Essentials Training Program Online!
Train With Us To Make Your Puppy Training More Enjoyable And To Give Your Puppy The Best Start Possible: https://www.McCannDogs.Link/PuppyEssentials

Are you looking for a more personalized training plan for your dog? We now have a Life Skills program for dogs over 5 months old. The Life Skills program is fully supported by a McCann Dogs trainer for YOU. Check out:

Don’t Forget To Subscribe:

You should check out the video that we JUST Published:

We Currently Have Some Of Our Signature Training Equipment Available Online! (Limited Quantities) To Get Yours, Visit:

Our “HeartDog” Merch Is BACK! Visit http://www.McCannDogs.Link/merch

We Also Have A Podcast!

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00:00 Still struggling With Your Dog Jumping On People?
00:21 The First Steps To Stop Dog Jumping
01:35 Stop Your Dog Jumping On People By Controlling The Situation
05:54 Stop A Dog From Jumping On People By Giving Them A Job!
07:45 The Next Steps In Your Dog Training

Thanks for watching,
Happy Training! ~Ken
#stopadogfromjumpingonpeople #stopdogjumping

Prevention of Tick Bits and Lyme Disease in Dogs and Humans

Ticks are blood-sucking parasites that attach themselves to animals and people. Once attached to a host, ticks feed voraciously and as they feed, they can transmit a number of diseases, including Lyme disease. Lyme disease does not only affect dogs but also humans. A bite from an infected tick can mean tiredness, fever, joint pain, and loss of appetite. An effective way to prevent Lyme disease is tick control. Dog Armor Knockdown gear can protect dogs from the bites of ticks (and other biting insects) by killing those that come into contact with the gear.

House Training Your Puppy – Common Problems With Solutions

There are certain problems that pet owners commonly encounter with house training their puppies. This article will show the solutions to help overcome these difficulties.

Ideas for Solving the Perennial Dog Barking Issue

Have you been disturbed from sleep or kept up until the unholiest of hours by your pet dog’s constant and uncontrollable barking? Have you had neighbors complaining about your dog who intensely and loudly barks for no apparent reason? Time to get to the bottom of the issue and find the best way to resolve it.

Caring for Your Four-Pawed Hunting Adventure Partner

Dogs are more than just the domesticated animals that they usually are. It may be safe to say that certain breeds may be too tough and too skilled to simply stay home and snuggle with their pet owners all day. Skillful, agile and full of energy, many dogs are, shall we say, cut out for a number of special tasks, such as hunting.

Why Use a GPS Dog Tracking System

As a pet owner, it is your main responsibility to keep your dog safe at all times. This can be fulfilled if you are always aware about where your dog is. Thankfully, technological advancements make it easier to keep track of your pet wherever he goes.

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