Train Your Dog Like A Pro DVD: Perfect Paws

Learn to train your dog like a pro using Jean Donaldson’s training book and instructional video.

The 12 Best Jobs for Dog Lovers

It’s time to dust off the resume, start a doggy day job, and never work another day in your life. But what are the best jobs for dog lovers like yourself?

SPCA Revolutionizes Rehabilitation of Severely Traumatized Dogs to Encourage Successful Adoption

What is unique about this new approach is that the dogs are given a strict program and strict socialization and training for 3 months – consistently. That is 3 months in a consistent environment, with familiar professional trainers, handlers and veterinarians on hand.

Dogs Do The Darndest Things – Part 2

This is Part 2 of a two-part article which describes some strange and funny things that dogs will do at home which may amuse you. Anyone who has had the pleasure of having a dog in their house must wonder at some of the antics they see every day. I’m giving my age away when I mention that Art Linkletter used to say “Kids say the darndest things”. Well, dogs do the darndest things also. Just think about it – when you are watching TV and see a dog being hugged by someone or if they do something funny or even goofy, who can’t help but smile. Think of the reaction of most patients to a therapy dog in a hospital. You can’t help but being emotional. So here are a few things that dogs do that will either annoy or amuse you.

Dogs Do The Darndest Things! – Part 1

This is Part 1 of a two-part article which describes some strange and funny things that dogs will do at home which may amuse you. Anyone who has had the pleasure of having a dog in their house must wonder at some of the antics they see every day. I’m giving my age away when I mention that Art Linkletter used to say “Kids say the darndest things”. Well, dogs do the darndest things also. Just think about it – when you are watching TV and see a dog being hugged by someone or if they do something funny or even goofy, who can’t help but smile. Think of the reaction of most patients to a therapy dog in a hospital. You can’t help but being emotional. So here are a few things that dogs do that will either annoy or amuse you.

5 Ways to Enjoy Snow With Your Dog

It’s that time of year again where some areas might get snow to play in! We don’t have any here personally, but I am used to winters back east, and can imagine what it must be like to play with your dog and children in so much snow! Chase the Disappearing Snowball This one is easy.

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