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10 Common Mistakes of New Dog Owners
First-time puppy owners are a lot like first-time parents – they’re happy about the new arrival, but fearful of making mistakes, and perhaps even a bit intimidated by the responsibility they’re about to undertake. Certainly, it is a big responsibility, and it’s a given that you’ll make mistakes. The key is not to re-invent the wheel.
Why Isn’t Punishment an Effective Training Method?If you have never had a dog before, you have probably encountered any number of people who are all too willing to share their “expertise” with you when it comes to training. Some will tell you that an immediate, stern correction for bad behavior is best and that a dog who isn’t punished will never learn how to behave properly.
12 Easy Steps to a House Trained PuppyGetting a new puppy is always an occasion for joy, but for first-timers, it can also be stressful. Of course, you want to get everything right, so that you and your new best friend can enjoy many happy years together, and that means training your puppy to become a good canine citizen. Before you get going on obedience training, though, start with house training.
How to Prevent Your Dog From HeatstrokeMost of the dog owners are not aware that dogs don’t have the ability to sweat. This makes them prone to heatstroke during hot and humid days if proper precautions are not being taken.
Seven DIY Important Steps to Learn For Your Dog’s Physical ExaminationIt’s dream of every pet owner that their furry pal should always remain fit and healthy. But, what they forget in this quest, is the duty of physical examination of their pooch. Learning simple steps of dog’s physical examination is of great help in solving any health related issue before it can be worse.