This video is sponsored by The Sporn Company. Should you use a harness, collar or what? Which harness is right for your dog? We’ll cover that in this episode!
Link to The Sporn Company Website Main page:
Link to Sporn Comfort Harness:
Link to Sporn Mesh Non Pull Harness:
Link to Sporn Ultimate Control No-Burn Leash :
Link To Sporn Ultimate Control Harness:
5 Benefits Of Having A Chew Proof Bed For Your Dog
Teething can be a destructive period for a puppy. One of the reasons why dog owners look for help during teething of their pets is to reduce the damage. Dogs can basically chew anything they find around them.
Essential Oils For Dogs With AnxietyMany dogs experience anxiety and can be helped naturally with the use of Essential Oils. Find out which essential oils to use and how to use them.
Benefits Of Grooming Your DogWhy should you take time in grooming a dog? A pet cannot take care of itself without a human. New pet owners are often faced with worries on how they can survive handling their pets. Grooming is one of the issues that dog owners face.
5 Benefits Of Having A Dog Bed Cave For Your DogKeeping a dog can be a passion if you love pets, but only a few dog owners are able to take care of their dogs properly. We love cute and friendly dogs. However, if we are unable to give these dogs the maximum comfort and attention they may fall sick.
Pets – Life Enhancers in Senior Citizens’ LifeSenior citizen owning a pet is an excellent idea. Dogs and cats endow with excellent companions and safety to senior citizens. Research shows that seniors with pets are happier and live longer than seniors without pets. Pets have proved to be life enhancers in senior citizens life.