Teaching your Dog the “Come” Command – Outdoors | Vita Bone Dog Training
Will your dog respond differently to the, “come” command as you play outdoors? Hear from Certified Animal Behavior Consultant, Steve Dale, as he walks you through the distractions and challenges you may face as you work with your dog in…

Leash Walking your Dog | Vita Bone Dog Training
Looking for the best way to train your dog how to walk on a leash? Hear from Certified Animal Behavior Consultant, Steve Dale, as he takes you through multiple ways to help you and your dog master the leash. Visit…

How to teach your dog to COME on leash and off leash harness/slipleash/collar only
Please use this method with harness, slip leash, or flat buckle collar only. This is not the appropriate method for other training tools such as a gentle leader/prong/etc where you should start with light pressure. This is a great step…

How to Teach Your Dog Not to Bark, Humanely and Effectively: 3 Things You Can Do Right Now
PETFLOW’S *NEW* OFFER: Enter discount code ZAK30 at checkout to get $10 off your first THREE automatic shipments!!! http://petflow.com/zakgeorge 😮😮I’m glad you guys are enjoying the video! Get MORE dog training tips and examples on instagram! http://instagram.com/zakgeorge @zakgeorge Download the…

Behaviorist Dog Trainer | Rob Peladeau | Talks at Google
Behaviorist dog trainer Rob Peladeau, of NexGenK9, will be here to share strategies for training your dog. Rob Peladeau has been training dogs for almost twenty years. Rob specializes in behavior modification/rehabilitation of aggressive/reactive dogs as well as problem solving…

Teaching proper heel position!
A few tips on teaching the “flip finish” or “service heel”…Here’s a link to my website if you would like more information about my services: http://kentuckycanine.com Here’s a link to my Instagram if you would just like to see some…

Homemade Dog Food
Commercial pet food scares and recalls continue to rise so making homemade dog food for your dog is a great alternative, not to mention all the benefits of feeding a human grade, “whole food”, “real food” to your dog! So…

↓↓↓LOOK AT THIS COOL STUFF↓↓↓ *Apparently I accidentally said certified at one point. No need to attack me in the comments. I am well aware of the legalities of service dogs and that there is no certification (in the US).…

How to CLICKER TRAIN Your Dog: The FASTEST WAY to Teach your Dog to be AWESOME!
Visit http://www.ClickerCompany.com today to get your clickers! Support us on Patreon so that we can make the best videos possible! http://www.patreon.com/ZakGeorge Like me on Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/TheZakGeorge Stop Puppy Biting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9KQegi4r8k Teach your dog or puppy 8 things in 7 days:…

How to Stop Puppy Dangerous Growling & Biting part 2
http://DogerciseDogTraining.com This video is about Puppy Impulse Control. We are teaching an alternative to biting and growling by counter conditioning the dog to behave a certain way when he does something or you do a certain movement. We are also…